10 Tips for A Successful Outbound Telemarketing
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The introduction of telecommunication has paved a way to generate sales cost-effectively. Gone are those businesses who put up too much capital for traditional marketing struggling to make ends meet. Successful telemarketing through phone selling is the trend today! Aside from its availability via call center companies and other business process outsourcing agencies, telemarketing for small businesses and large corporations shaped the selling landscape to new heights.


Whether you like or not, cold calling is not for everyone! Not all have the expertise to persuade a lead. How much more to get past the gatekeepers keeping you away from making a sale? People who dial the phone trying to promote their products and services find it too difficult to reach the decision makers due to lack of experience, required skills, and expertise. That being said, you’re way better off acquiring outbound telemarketing services from BPO’s. When your company set up an outbound campaign, it’s normal to struggle in the first quarter. Generating sales and boosting revenue seems impossible in a short period of time unless you have a team of telemarketing experts to handle your campaign. Almost all telemarketers today use outbound telemarketing software and provide call center software solutions to generate quality leads and sales.


If your company is struggling to surpass your ROI, then it’s time to outsource your sales department. We’ve gathered 10 outbound call tips for you from different telemarketing experts to build a successful outbound telemarketing campaign this 2018.


  1. Have a plan

Always prepare and generate a long term plan. Make certain that you know the objective of your plan.

  1. Get a good script

Your telemarketing efforts are nothing without a good script. Create a conversational type of script. Don’t sound like you’re so desperate to make a sale. Tone the script well! Always remember, the first 10 seconds of the script is critical.

  1. Speak slowly and clearly

When you got a good script, you need to personalize and own it. You’ll be calling gatekeepers most likely. You better speak clearly and point out your intention directly.

  1. Expect a conversation

You need to enjoy talking over the phone when you want to get an appointment or a sale. Not everyone you call is a good listener. They always think of you as a desperate telemarketer. Always be patient and talk well! Play around the script and put the other line in your shoes. You are in control of the call!

  1. Take rejections as a challenge

Not all calls will be successful. From time to time, you will be rejected! Don’t worry, it’s part of the game! Learn from the NO’s and move forward.

  1. Be prepared to handle gatekeepers

Practice makes perfect! Better yet draft a scenario for possible rebuttals with gatekeepers. There’s a reason why they screen calls. But if you know your product and service well, you’ll get by with the gatekeepers. As they often say, just smile on the phone!

  1. Be polite

Even though the leads are not interested, always give thanks! They might know someone who needs your product or service. The power of referral is truly an advantage!

  1. Take actions

If you say you’re going to send some marketing material – send it. Ideally, send it right there and then. Never leave it longer than the end of the working day—the sundown rule.

  1. Practice makes perfect

As mentioned above, create a possible situation and practice it. Draft possible questions and prepare you rebuttals.

  1. Obey the law

Most countries have no laws governing telemarketing to businesses. However, before you start telemarketing, check with your legal representative to ensure that’s the case where you live.

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