Contact centers are by far the most commonly used workplace. In addition to the impact on the image of the company, this phenomenon generates both visible and unsuspected expenses. It is important to monitor the rotation rate in order to be able to sound the alarm in good time.
In any sector, the rotation of employees can entail significant costs. In call centers, turnover affects not only the budget but also the attractiveness rate. This, in addition to impact on the recruitment, risks to carry a damned blow to the reputation with the principals. Moreover, turnover affects the productivity of the company enormously, which is not without consequences on the respect of the deadlines and thus on the satisfaction of the client who risks not to renew his contract.
In addition to the decline in the results, the renewal of staff also entails considerable costs, notably in recruitment and training. There is no longer any time lost in training new recruits who are not, in the end, safe investments. No call center can afford to lose a good telemarketer, especially since when the call center has a bad press, few candidates rush towards it. Loss of a good item can also demotivate other employees gold, there is nothing worse than that.
You do not have to wait to see everybody leave the ship gradually to react. To do this, there is only one way: to look at the turnover rate in order to act accordingly and on time. It should be noted that the turnover rate is adjusted according to the type of activity of the call center. As a rule, the average number of recruits is to be calculated by dividing the total number of recruits plus the number of resigners by 2. Then divide the number by the initial number of employees and multiply by Finally, the result is compared with the tolerated threshold of 15%, taking into account the activity of the site.