This generation has changed miles apart as compared to the 70’s. Technology wise, it has advanced to a level that it’s hard to comprehend. From the space exploration, mobile phone industry, airlines, internet age, powerful computers, among others. The advancement brought a huge leap in making everyone’s lives convenient. And one of the biggest change is customer service.
If you haven’t noticed it yet, gone all those times when you need to use the post office that would take a month or so to send. When you are too tired to go out for food, you can just use your mobile phone or computer to order online. Customer service representatives are always there to help you out. When you are too busy with your hectic schedule, you can plan it ahead through online scheduler and the like.
Customer service plays a vital role in every businesses. Whether it’s inbound customer service or outbound customer service, the importance of handling customers properly is your ticket to more referrals and sales. As they often say, customers are always right. Business owners, marketing directors and managers across-the-board keep on being focused on delivering over-the-top customer service experience. Unfortunately, poor customer service still exists today regardless of how advanced we are. To achieve outstanding customer service is focusing on helping the customers who buy, use your products and keep them happy by solving their problems. Even though, sometimes when an employee supports or helps a customer, mistakes could undergo the process. Therefore, the business might end up losing that loyal customer, which is the last thing a business would want.
So how do we achieve excellent customer service? How can we improve our customer satisfaction rating? Here are the top Do’s and Don’ts as compiled by our experts that can ensure employees to perform their job professionally and serve customers rights.
Do’s of Customer Service
Be polite and respectful. Since you will be interacting with customers, always be prompt when talking to them. Keep your tone down and calm as possible. Always smile even if you’re not talking to them face to face. That’s the general rule!
Be honest. Always give accurate information to your customers. Don’t give false hopes. Make a clear statement about returns and refund policies. Respond and follow up when you say you will.
Be responsible. Not all customers will be as polite as you. Be ready to face criticisms and rebut professionally. You are in control and you know your product or service well.
Consider putting yourself in the customer’s shoes. Try to turn the table around and look at the situation as a customer’s perspective. Put yourself as a customer and relate to them.
Be grateful. Always thank the customer for accepting your call. Regardless of how the call turns out, be grateful. Remember the power of referrals.
Don’ts of Customer Service
Avoid complications. Today’s customers are more experienced and techy. Go straightforward and don’t run around in circles.
Don’t be indifferent. Customers are humans too! They know when you’re not feeling good about the call. They can sense if you don’t care. Avoid it to happen!
Customers are not transactions. Do not ever treat your customers as money machines. Build rapport and strong relationships with them. Let them feel like a family that needs assistance and help.
Acknowledge and never ignore feedback. Customers feedback are very important. It’s your way of laying things properly. It’s your way of improving yourself.
Accept complaints as part of your life. From time to time, you will face criticisms. It’s a part of your job to handle it properly. Remember, customers are fragile too. Take care of them like you take care of your son or daughter.