Outbound Call Centers Can Better Enhance
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Providers of outbound call center services deal with various challenges in a competitive marketplace. You need to follow the best practices in this industry to further improve the delivery of your services. Likewise, determine and monitor important Key Performance Indicators to accomplish your business objectives.

Essential Metrics

Among the important metrics are the following:

Conversion Rate โ€“ High conversion rates means the business is doing well. Otherwise, check the downsides. It is possible that agents handle numerous calls but fail to close deals. This leads to an increase in cost per lead. Make sure to analyze the conversion rates since revenues depend on this metric.

FCR โ€“ FCR or First Call Resolution refers to the metric that shows the efficiency of your call center in addressing customersโ€™ issues, concerns, queries, and requirements. These happen during the initial interaction through any communication channel. The key to FCR is that no escalation or follow-up is needed. It serves as the degree of customer satisfaction – the higher the rate, the more satisfied customers are. FCR also measures performance and proficiency.

ASR โ€“ The ASR refers to Answer Success Rate or the percentage of successfully connected calls as against the number of attempted calls. An ASR of between 40 and 50 percent is a good rate for an outbound call center.

Call Etiquette or Quality โ€“ This metric defines how call center agents communicate with clients. No industry standards track call quality. However, agents must follow certain guidelines in starting and ending the call and how to resolve customer problems.

Calls per Agent โ€“ The KPI (Calls per Agent) can help determine how agents work on their tasks and their ability to handle a particular number of calls.

Occupancy Rate โ€“ The Occupancy Rate refers to the agentโ€™s idle time compared with call-related activities while on duty.

Pointers for Call Center Agents

Agents involved in outbound call center services should follow these tips to improve their performance.

  • Prepare sales scripts with a powerful connecting statement to prospects and existing clients.
  • Remember the essential metrics discussed in the previous sub-topic for outbound call centers.
  • Use speech analytics apps for training of agents. Do not view training as a one-time activity. It should be a continuing process with coaching sessions at certain intervals.
  • Come up with a list of prospects in advance. The list must include prospects who belong to the target demographics. Agents must act as experts ready to provide smart solutions to customers.
  • Use industry-specific email messaging in generating new leads. This is an effective way of targeting accounts under the same industry or niche.
  • Try to purchase lead lists from reliable third parties for more appropriate prospects. You can get these targeted leads without using too much time on prospecting. Many companies gather, verify, and sell such information for sales teams building funnels for their outbound campaigns.
  • Choose lead-centric tools for data mining to enhance outbound results by providing framework for calls. The use of technology like software capable of collecting and storing valuable data will help boost cold prospecting.

PCS Connect

For companies requiring outbound call center services, you can call PCS Connect.

PCS Connect is your one-stop global business solution for companies seeking effective ROI solutions. Through the years, we have evolved into the leading BPO company in customer service, back-office support, and sales.

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