The Truth About Appointment Setting
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Imagine yourself cramming trying to beat deadlines in a fast-paced environment? How about running towards your desk with scattered folders and papers all over your tiny workstation? Then the phone rings where telemarketers on the other line are on standby waiting to sell their products and services. Suddenly, your secretary comes in reminding you of your meetings and appointments.  Insane isn’t it?

Career-oriented individuals and young professionals nowadays need to balance their time to deliberately finish their tasks ahead of the allotted deadline. The challenge here is to keep up with the growing economic sector without compromising time and quality of work. And a better way to maintain stability and growth for any company is to outsource some of the tasks to cost-effective business process outsourcing companies.

Outsourcing to BPO’s is just one of the many ways to maintain stability while saving thousands from operational cost. BPO’s offer services that help starting and growing companies alike to attain their goals. From lead generation, inbound and outbound customer service, to appointment setting, market research and the like, these cost-effective services help organizations in fulfilling their sales target.

Say, for instance, Appointment Setting! But what is appointment setting? Who are the appointment setters?


Appointment Setting (Definition and Scope)

Believe it or not, setting an appointment is not as easy as counting 1 to 3. Appointment setting is the process of arranging meetings over the phone conducted by a secretary, admin assistant, or an ordinary employee as instructed by their superiors. In a BPO setting,  they are called appointment setters.

Setting an appointment to decision makers require techniques. Appointment setting companies develop their own appointment setting strategies to successfully arrange a meeting for both parties. By doing so, this would help them increase sales by acquiring quality leads through lead generation.


Effective Appointment Setting Tips

Undoubtedly, getting someone to answer your phone is really a big challenge. How much more if you are looking for the CEO or any decision makers of the specific company. Not to mention the strict gatekeepers who always filter appointment setters or telemarketers like you!

Consider the following tips when initiating the call to get past gatekeepers:

    • Familiarize the script. Remember the first seconds of your call is critical!
    • Don’t be too sales pitchy! You don’t want to sound like you’re selling directly right?
    • Introduce yourself, your company, and the reason of the call.
    • Pay attention and listen to your lead. Always relate yourself to the situation.
    • Handle objections well. Be calm and be patient!
    • Always ask for the decision maker. If not, have the lead forward you to the right person in the correct way.
    • If the lead declines, ask for the reason and for the best time to call back.
    • Smile as if the lead is in front of you.

Getting In Touch with Appointment Setters

If you are considering appointment setting as your way of generating leads and boosting sales performance, then you are on the right track. There are numerous call center companies offering cost-effective appointment setting services. Some of them offer the option to customize the service to fit clients’ need.

Whether you are a starting or growing company, appointment setting will be your best bet in attaining your sales goals without investing too much capital. Try and be amazed!

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