Telemarketing Sales Services
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Corporate Information / Financial Soundness

Look at the sales and business development of the last three or four years. Which locations are used for how long? How many employees are there in each case? Which customers and projects will be looked after for how long? Organically grown companies that have successfully operated on long-term customer projects for several years at locations are a good indicator for a potentially well-established partner.

Nowadays, ownership is also important. Who is the owner? A financial investor? Or is the company owner- managed? This point can play an important role in the philosophy of how the service provider manages projects and what matters to him.


Industry and Employee Structure

Industry knowledge are outsourced at a longer- term partnership in which partial or complete business processes, indispensable. How much percent of sales do your service provider in your market segment and how long?

What other markets do they serve, whose know-how also fits well with your own spectrum or from which you could possibly learn and benefit? This also includes the question of whether your contacts and project managers have knowledge of your industry.

In addition to the management, this question applies to team leaders and agents as well. Do not let these questions be answered in general, but rather specifically for your project. Which persons are used on your project and what is their experience? Another important indicator for a good partner is the number of employees in the support functions (personnel, IT, team leader, quality management …). If, for example, the IT department is thinly occupied, it may happen that your requirements for adaptations of a routing or a reporting change are not implemented adequately or with time delay.

The number of team leaders, supervisors and agents can be used to calculate the line length. This code is important for the assessment of the quality claim you place on the partner. If a team leader has 30 or more agents, you can imagine that coaching and high quality are difficult to ensure.



Here it is worthwhile to go to the bottom of things. Do not let logos or names blind you. Projects with a five-year term, where you can talk directly with the customer about your experiences with the service provider, are better. Two to three projects should be able to name the service provider, which he supervises and where you can inform yourself. Let explain how the project was set up, how long the training lasted, etc.

The connection to the computer, the more you learn an insight into the project management of the service provider with its customers, the more likely it will be possible “weak points”, but of course Strengths transparent. You can see which methods and systems he used in the projects to successfully launch a project. Compare the experiences of customer projects with his offer. Quite often, promises are promised in offers, which is completely unrealistic in reality.

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