Operators of a call center have to think about how they are received or perceived by the consumer. Finally, the call center represents a company whose reputation, image and even its revenues depend on the quality of service.
The results may not represent all industries, but it gives us some clues as to what customers expect and what a call center needs to look out for. But not only provider of professional telephone services – services can learn from this study, but all companies, freelancers should be aware how important service quality is.
Question: What information should the agent always have?
General information about the customer account as well as the contact history are decisive for customers for a good service. The logical consequence of this is: a good CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and a consistent maintenance of the customer data contained therein is essential to ensure the service the consumer is expecting today.
In my experience, it is particularly important to raise the awareness of the importance of a careful maintenance of the customer data bank. What good is the best CRM in the world, if the service staff does not use its possibilities correctly.
Question: What are the most common ways of contacting you at the moment?
Telephone and e-mail are important – Web chats, mobile applications, SMS, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and social networks are gaining in attractiveness, but they are still the exception to the direct contact with the Companies.
Telephone and email come together at over 80%. With only 2% of all interviewees, the social networks are astonishing.
On the other hand, 20% of all interviewees already use social networks to inform themselves about more general questions and to exchange ideas with other customers. Mobile apps would benefit 30% of respondents. However, long waiting times or cumbersome possibilities for further contact options have a deterrent effect.
One could now discuss the causes. Is it because only a few call centers use this channel, whether the customer does not want it or whether this channel is simply not suitable to answer customer requests sufficiently individually and personally.
Question: What social media channels do Call Center offer to their customers?
94% of all providers should offer Facebook as a communication channel. Also Twitter is offered by 42% of the offerers. However, this possibility is only very slightly used by the user.
Telephone and e-mail are standard, but chats and social media continue to be on the up.
Question: Accepted waiting time on the phone?
Customers accept a maximum waiting period of three or less minutes.
The service level desired by the customer and agreed upon by contract is decisive for accessibility. A certain level of service costs money and it is up to the client how much money he wants to spend and what a good customer service is worth. High accessibility costs more than a poor accessibility.
Question: Are you willing to pay more money for better service?
Again, the results speak a clear language: 82% say no, more money for services is not appropriate.
But remember service is not an additional service but a self-evident.
Question: Do customers share social networks?
Good service experiences are more likely to be shared in social networks than bad, 40% of respondents say. Here providers leave a great potential unused. Automated surveys are still conducted after a telephone call to get feedback from customers on the quality of service. Why not motivate customers to publish their feedback on the company’s Facebook / Google / Google
Local page?