Human Resources Services
One of the important functions of HR departments is to respond to employee queries and concerns. A dedicated HR call center will significantly improve the completion of this task. However, majority of businesses do not have this capability since it requires
considerable resources and manpower to put up an in-house call center. The best option is to outsource your requirements to a qualified third-party provider.

PCS – A Viable Alternative
Outsourcing some of your HR functions to PCS can lead to the following benefits:
- Save on Costs – By outsourcing, you are relieved of managing these tasks in-house. It reduces payroll and training expenditures. The funds can be directed instead to revenue-generating operations and activities.
- High-Quality Talent – PCS agents are fully-trained and experienced in HR work. Besides, we use practices, techniques, technology, and tools that enable our agents to accomplish their work promptly and efficiently.
- Focus on Core Business – With agents handling most of HR assignments, the internal employees can concentrate on the job they are expected to perform. Their workload is more well-defined which means higher productivity. Moreover, your employees are not over-worked since they are not required to do multi-tasking.