Challenges Facing Today’s Virtual Assistants
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Virtual assistants are experts in diverse fields. These include content writing, social media marketing, web development, and administrative functions. A 24/7 virtual assistant can work in different time zones and provide services to clients in other countries.

The VA’s job is by no means easy despite the luxury of working from home. What’s more, these professionals face numerous challenges which call for discipline and excellent skillset. These are some of the common adversities that virtual assistants need to overcome.

Create an Organized Daily Schedule

A systematic routine is important for VAs. This practice requires a firm hand and motivation to handle multiple assignments. The first step is to plan the week ahead using online apps rather than the traditional manual calendar. It is important to be flexible because clients may unexpectedly assign urgent tasks.

Next is to start the day with more difficult before proceeding to the simple ones. Take breaks after finishing a complicated assignment. It need not be long. Even five minutes of getting fresh air, resting one’s eyes, and drinking a glass of water re-energizes a busy individual. Moreover, allot one full day every week as a time to rest and relax the mind.

Different Time Zones

In most instances, remote virtual assistants have to deal with different time zones. This means clients operate in the other side of the globe. There is a downside to a significant difference in time. The client may insist on VAs putting extra time in excess of the usual working hours which can lead to fatigue and affect the worker’s productivity.

Communication Issues

The 24/7 virtual assistant does not have the opportunity to personally meet the client except for online audio or video call and email messaging. Moreover, the VA cannot immediately talk to a client especially if there is a problem that needs a quick resolution.

To get over this predicament, there should be guidelines that will ensure instructions are clearly understood to prevent any miscommunication. When planning the work week, VAs must inform their client of staring work on a particular project.

Ask for all the available information and the fastest way of getting in touch with them. The efficient virtual assistant must keep in mind that clear communication channels are necessary to facilitate a harmonious and long-term working relationship.

Questions about Productivity

VAs work remotely. Therefore, figuring out the person’s productivity may be a problem. The best way to address this problem is for the virtual assistant to submit a list of accomplishments and work done on a daily or weekly basis. This will remove any doubts about outputs. Besides, both parties are motivated creating a feeling of mutual trust.

PCS Connect

For companies that require 24/7 virtual assistant services, you can always call PCS Connect at 866-671-4344 during regular business hours.

PCS Connect is your one-stop global business solution for companies looking for customer service issues or seeking effective ROI solutions. Through the years, we have evolved into the leading BPO company in customer service, back-office support, lead generation, and sales.

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