Giving back to the community has been one of our core-values since the beginning of our business. Over the years we have contributed thousands of dollars and volunteer hours to worthy causes. Your valued business allows us to contribute a small percentage of every invoice towards ensuring that we do our part in making our world a better place for future generations to come.
We continue to be committed in supporting those that hunger, those that need shelter and the development of our youth.
- SHELTER CHARITY. We all hope that it is never us that end up on the streets, but the sad reality is that no one plans for homelessness. But, homelessness is a part of some people’s life journey. Many families are one paycheck away from living on the streets. Being in such a predicament can be discouraging and make many people lose hope. Being able to invest and help in an organization that is making great efforts to end homelessness and help all that enter their doors is incomparable.
- FOOD FOR FAMILIES. According to Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF), nutrition interventions have been recognised in addressing the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) of universal basic education and gender equality in educational access. In order to achieve these goals, it is essential that even the poorest children, who suffer most from ill health and hunger, are able to attend school and learn while there. Disadvantaged children – the poor, the marginalized, girls, children in fragile states – often suffer the most from ill health and malnutrition and therefore benefit most from health or feeding programs.
- WHERE IT’S NEEDED. According to Catholic Charities USA, 45 million people in America are living in poverty today – one in seven individuals. Poverty doesn’t discriminate. It often takes one misfortune or one missed paycheck to change an individual or family’s life and cause them to fall below the poverty line. We also aim to raise awareness and contribute in our little way for the millions of people living in poverty in the United States today and the millions of others in need or struggling to make ends meet.
These are just some of the companies and causes that we have been part of for many years: