Telemarketing entails communicating with clients and prospects using the telephone as primary medium. Telemarketing’s major categories are B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer). Companies choose this platform for data gathering, lead generation, promotions, and conducting surveys.
Four Categories of Telemarketing
Businesses decide to outsource telemarketing functions to minimize operating cost. It is categorized as follows:
Inbound – Telemarketers reach out to potential customers following inbound queries regarding products or services. The agent calls customers, who respond to direct mails and other forms of advertising and take their orders.
Outbound – It is a more proactive marketing approach with agents reaching out to potential clients for actual selling of products or offering services.
Generating Leads – The telemarketer contacts possible customers after obtaining information regarding their interests, needs, demographic information, and profiles.
Sales – This type of telemarketing calls for salespersons resorting to convincing strategies to consumers.
Service Styles
In telemarketing outsourcing, there are different styles for both inbound and outbound categories.
Appointment Setting – This is used for inbound and outbound telemarketing. The goal is to schedule telephone or personal meetings for creating sales opportunities.
Database Cleansing – It is meant for outbound telemarketing mainly to clean websites. Agents remove inaccurate and outdated data as well as prepare new contact information for future telemarketing campaigns.
CTA or Call-to-Action – Call-to-Action is meant for outbound telemarketing to get responses from customers.
Tele-Sales – This telemarketing style applies to inbound and outbound services. The objective is to facilitate sales transactions over the telephone using the credit card payment option.
Surveys – It is also appropriate for inbound and outbound functions to collect relevant data for qualitative research from identified target audiences or markets.
Benefits of Telemarketing
Opting for telemarketing outsourcing gives businesses the following benefits:
Savings for the Company – Hiring full-time employees and training them for telemarketing tasks will cost more compared to outsourcing. The expenses do not include purchase of desktop computers or laptops, desks, telephones, and software licenses. Personnel expenses do not include benefits for regular employees.
More Likelihood of Closing Sales – The sales team members become more productive by dealing with qualified leads rather than looking for and generate opportunities. Telemarketing agents take care of qualifying leads and scheduling meetings on behalf of the sales team. This system helps the salespeople to promptly close deals.
Focus on Operations – Telemarketing outsourcing enables companies to concentrate on essential business operations. Contractors can perform other support tasks for the company.
Ensures Accountability – Outsourcing helps management or team leaders to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and ensure accountability. These include how agents make calls, deliver the message to prospects and customers, dictate how things should be done, and see if targets are achieved on time.
Enhance Efficiency – Enterprises that outsource their requirements can scale up or down their telemarketing activities. This helps improve the delivery of marketing campaigns. An outsourced service provides the option of increasing the number of agents for a particular campaign without recruiting additional employees on a full-time basis.
Solutions from PCS Connect
For companies who want to outsource telemarketing functions, you can call PCS Connect.
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